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Whatchu Bloggin Bout, Willis?

If you are anything like me your thoughts race around in your head at about a million miles per hour so trying to sit down and get them from inside your traffic jam of a brain to paper can be a struggle. So when you are given an assignment that involves writing it can all be a little overwhelming and then the gears start turning.. all at once.. Where should you start? What should you write about? Focus, focus, focus. But before the panic starts I want to share with you some of the ways I help myself to get all of the ideas inside my brain down on paper.


First- read the assignment and begin an outline. I like to start with choosing a catchy name for my blog so I can get an idea of what the blog with mainly be about. Starting with a catchy title not only draws readers in but also gets your head in the right place. I like to follow an outline like the one below to get my ideas in a more organized manner.

Second- I like to research other blogs using similar tags or keywords to get an idea on layout. Here a some links to a few of my favorite blogs I like to get inspiration from:

World Of Wanderlust is a travel and lifestyle blog. I love her content and layout and she always gives great tips on how to make a good blog post.

Posh PR is another blog inspiration for me. Her content is always relatable and her layout is flawless. She is definitely #bloggoals.

Natalie Franke is a blogger who I like to get inspiration and great PR tips from. Her blogs are always very informative and entertaining.

Third- Gather images, links and tags you would want to use in a blog to relate to your topic/categories. Using photos, links and tags are a great way to keep your blog entertaining and also get readers to view your content!

Fourth- Write for yourself not only for others. If you like what you write chances are others will too. Make sure your content is relevant and that you know what you are talking about, that will make it more likely to be viewed and useful. It will also be easier for you to write if you enjoy what you're blogging about and know enough about your topic.

and finally read your blog post 3 times. Once over, once out loud and once from someone else eyes- send your blog post to a friend to read over to avoid grammatical errors and to make sure the content is enjoyed by others.

I hope this blog finds you well and helps you to write your next post. Happy Blogging!



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