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Follow the Leader

Some people have 5 some people have 5,000. They come in all shapes and sizes, even from all around the world. Some of them you know some of them you may not. One of them may be famous and the other might be your grandmother. What am I talking about? Followers. And we all have them.


If you have social media you have followers and also are a follower. But this is more important than you might think. You may often share certain things depending on who follows you and on what sites. It i important to know who follows you and who you follow when sharing things. Social media can play a huge part in your future and career and that is based mainly around your followers and who you follow. You have to be careful what you share if your boss or grandmother follows you. Once you gain said person as a follower they can see everything you share and that ultimately help or hurt you. You also need to be conscious of who follows you when sharing things like personal information or something you wouldn't want people you may not know so well to know.

This week in my social media course we are posting #mustfollow accounts and I wanted to share a few awesome accounts for you to follow if you're interested in Public Relations--

@nbcnews on Instagram is a great way to get news with visuals as well as repost their awesome stories and photos and see how they handle their PR and media visually.

@AP - the associated press on twitter is a great way to get breaking news via journalists on social media.

@PRSA - the public relations society of America is a #mustfollow for any PR major or practitioner to gain great insight on sharing PR and getting tips in crisis.

@PRnews is another amazing twitter site that shares so many great PR tips and tricks.

Who you follow and who follows you can also be a great way to build a network and connect with people all over the world. You can meet people who will help you land dream careers or connect with old friends or family. Who you follow is more important thank you think and in this case it's a great time to be a follower.

xx, Adison

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