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Automation Nation

It takes about 30 seconds to pull out your mobile device or laptop, sign in to twitter, Facebook or Instagram, post something and log out. But what happens when you want to find a post from 3 months ago, see the traffic on a specific post or organize like posts into one easy to view portal,

There are so many social media resources that you can utilize to condense your most viewed, similar or important tweets into one easy to view and access portal. I want to share with you some of the most useful and successful resources for displaying your social media posts in one location. Whether you are doing this for a client, your business or your personal account automated social media resources are saving our lives.

Storify is used to "Create stories using social media and turn what people post on social media into compelling stories. Collect the best photos, video, tweets and more to publish"

Storify is a great way to find like tweets and photos and condense them into one easy to view story that you can make your own by adding additional text and images to create a story. Definitely a great social media resource for telling a story through similar posts.


Meet Edgar is a social media resource that automatically recycles your best content from your social media based on web traffic on your posts to bring in more views and audiences.

The best part about this resource is that it is automated and also it never runs out of content. You choose what category you want to publish and pull data from and the rest is done by the automated system. It is estimated to help save 8 hours a week.


Hootsuite is another great automated social media resource that makes connecting with clients and customers "faster, smarter and safer". Hootsuite is one of the most popular sites among social media users because you can easily manage all of your social media marketing and content from one single and easy to use dashboard.

The best part of Hootsuite is you can choose your own schedule automatically that works best for you, your business or your client.

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Like they say- work smarter not harder. The social media resources we have at our disposal are endless and are taking the PR world by storm. Check out the resources I listed and linked above or explore some more on your own but trust me these will help you share information with clients far easier!



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